Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Check Out Social Networking Sites

There are many social networking sites on the internet. The specific sites I took the time to visit are Facebook, Myspace, Friendster, and Twitter. My impressions of each individual site vary. I am a user of Facebook but not of the other three. I had once been a user of Myspace but Facebook seemed to take over all of its users. Those two sites are very similar but different. Although Facebook has expanded greatly and you can practically find anyone, there are still privacy regulations and a way to hide things from specific people as well as them not have the knowledge that you viewed them. Myspace has privacy regulations as well but not as much as Facebook. When visiting those two sites I can see that Myspace has become more geared to sharing music and creativity as opposed to Facebook in which people are sharing their ideas and information with each other on a more clean cut professional looking format. I never really got into the whole twitter movement as it really is a means to "follow" people not so much as a means to be creative. The interaction is pretty minimal compared to sites such as Facebook and Myspace. On Facebook people have friends whom they may not necessarily be friends with but the amount of people that follow others are in the charts. Twitter is more widely used to follow celebrities and see what they are up to and their opinions. Friendster is a social network for your average gamer. Its more geared towards a specific topic unlike MySpace, Facebook, and twitter which contains information and opinions about a huge range of topics. It is definitely not as advanced and doesn't seem anywhere near as viral as the other networking sites. The other sites address real issues and real life. Friendster doesn't seem to compare but is a great example of new media, not only do we have video games that can be played on a television but we have games that can be played for free online with people from all over the world.

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